Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Since I know that nobody from Jerry's family is reading this I might as well tell every one what is going on.

Basically, he says we're selfish and that we are not getting a damn thing. He told my sister that we should have taken the stuff she wanted us to take on mothers day because we're not getting it now. On mothers day, Julie and I went to visit mom, she wanted us to take some stuff but we said, nah, we'll get it later. If we took it that would mean she was dying.

If I go to the farm he'll have me arrested, nice huh? We're going to be as nice as we can to him until we get our mothers stuff, then all bets are off, at least for me. I'm going to tell him exactly how it is. He's the one that's being selfish, he has everything, my mom paid for everything in life and now she's paying in death, he is a selfish son of a *B*

Mom had a life insurance policy for the grandkids, which was suppose to be put into my brothers name but I don't think she changed it, she also had one for us too but wasn't able to change it in time either. Basically, she really was in denial and honestly, we did not nor did the doctors think that she would go this quickly, when she was admitted to the hospital in may they said six months, turned out to be less then a month.

Once all this stuff with Jerry is over, mom will be able to enjoy her eternal life, I know she's enjoying it but I don't think she likes whats going on down here with Jerry.

Anyway, that's about it on that.


Janet said...

Dawn - you're wrong when you think no one from Jerry's family is reading this. If slandering my father helps you deal with your grief, then so be it. I do hope that one day you can find the peace your Mom would want you to have.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like Dawn is taking a turn for the better... getting a job and new apartment. Sounds like she's starting to move on. Keep up the counseling Dawn because it is doing you a world of good. Lots of people are reading your posts even though they don't respond so keep up the positive attitude.

Anonymous said...

Where were Jerry and family when Mary was going through the dieing process? I think these non-actions speak for themselves but if Dawn needs to verbalize them to get on with her life, so be it.

Dawn said...

Hello Jerry's family,

I don't mean to bash Jerry, I'm simply stating the truth. Jerry and I have had a bad history because he beat me up and threw me out of the house, I wasn't a bad kid, my mom has since apologized for it this past thanksgiving. Mom and I were really close and I always stuck up for her when Jerry would argue or yell at her. I have seen it more than anyone in my family, with exception to when she was in the hospital. We had to talk to Jerry about how he was treating my mother, he was arguing with her all the time and she didn't need that, Jerry did thank us for saying something to him, we just asked him to be kind and gentle until she pass's. Mom a few days later, thanked me for having that talk with him because Jerry was being a saint. I'm not saying that Jerry is a totally bad person. It's just the actions show that he isn't honoring my moms wish's. I did find out that he's bringing some stuff to my uncles that we can go through. What we really want is to go to Mom's farm for some closure. She loved that place and we would like to say our last goodbye there, at least I would. If I offend anyone, I'm sorry but this blog is to help me get things out and to let people know what is going on.

Anonymous said...

If da glove don't fit, ya gotta aquit.... but

If the shoe fits, ya gotta wear it! Maybe Jerry has a gentler side, hope so.