Sunday, December 16, 2007


well it looks like i'll have an angiogram or whatever it's called on monday. sou nds like fun, not lol

I can't sleep, I have a haedache from hell from all the nitro. I have to find someone to take care of the kiddies while i'm here, any takers?

Saturday, December 15, 2007


I hope that everyone is doing well. I'm in the hospital right now for heart trouble. Second time in 3 months, hopefully, they can figure out what is going on. Regions has this new internet tv thing which is really cool, too bad they didn't have it on mom's floor. We made cookies today, keeping the tradition alive, today mom would have been 62, I know that she was there with us today making those cookies and laughing at us trying to make everything.

I will update more when i can. I'mgonna go now, merry xmas everyone

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

tis the season

Gotta love the snow :)

I've finished my partial program. I've learned a ton of skills to help me cope with the depression and life in general. I'm going to stay in a day treatment for probably 1 to 3 months, it's only 3 hours a day. I'm looking for a job, hopefully I'll get something soon or I'll be out in the cold.

I hope that everyone has a happy holiday season.